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  • 供应sika aliva AL-267TBM喷混系统配件
  • 供应sika aliva AL-267TBM喷混系统配件

供应sika aliva AL-267TBM喷混系统配件

产品品牌 : sika aliva

规格型号 : AL-267

所在地区 : 上海松江

产品分类 : 盾构机


104466Pumping element to
114408Spur wheel Z44
114848Spur wheel Z18
116235Double nipple 
116239GF92 angle 
116248GF530 pipe nipple
117159Ball valve 
132101Grease patrone 400gr.
136111Hexagonal screw 
136112Safety nut 
138880Latch chassis 267
138930Spacer sleeve 6
138931Spacer sleeve 4/2
138933Spacer sleeve 5
139439Discchassis 267 
139522Grease gun cpl.
142882Hose clamp 
142900Hose clamp with
142919Hose clamp with
142927Pipe clamp Norma
143040Not-Aus Taster
143430Signal lamp red
143514Phase monitoring 
143551Circuit breaker 2P
143588Thermo relay 
143669GF1A elbow 
143699GF92 angle 
143719GF121 angle 
143860GF246 socket red.
143893GF290 plug 
143939GF341 connection 
144071Cone coupling 
144080Grease nipple G1/8
144098Connecting nipple G2XRD75
144166Grease nipple 
144222V-Ring V-60A NBR
144546Grease pump elect.
144651Mounting bracket manometer
144991Protection cord hi-flex
145039EO-fitting XEVT 6-pole
145219EO-screw connexion SV
145233Grease gun pneumatic
145270EO-screw connection KOR
145446Air hose 
145449Air hose 
145611Hex. crew 
145712Hex scr. 
145713Hexagonal screw 
145821Cyl. crew i-hex.
145827Cyl. scr i-hex.
145830Cyl. scr. i-hex
145853Cyl. screw i-hex
145855Cyl. screw i-hex
145910Countersunk socket screw
145934Hexagonal nut 
145960Locking nut 
145961Disc M12 
145972Disc M16 
145973Disc M24 
145979Locking washer rip-lock
145992Locking ring f/wave
145996Locking ring 
146022Cotter pin 
146076Threaded pin i-hex
146133Locking nut 
146139Feather key 
146144Disc M12 
146160Elevator screw 
146200Feather key 
146201Feather key 
146202Feather key 
146204Feather key 
146205Feather key 
146206Feather key 
146271Ring screw M8
146283Cyl.pin Ø8×24mm M6
146302Safety nut 
146303Locking nut 
146328Safety nut 
146557Hexagonal nut 
146558Threaded pin 
146579Spring ring cyl.scr.
146581Federring F. Zyl.Schr.
146733Ball valve 
146734Ball valve 
146759Pressure sensor 
146760Socket outlet cable
146766Remote control cable
146913External thread spout
160291Push button illuminated
160292Push button illuminated
160293Push button illuminated
162005Gear box hous
162878Air distrib Bas
162899Air armarture Bas
162907Connecting pl cpl
162910Elbow Grease 
162911Air chamber 
162932Rotor platevulca V2Rotor rep by 312212
162988Gear shaft 1
162989Spacer sleeve 4
162990Gear shaft 2
162991Spacer sleeve 5
162992Rotor shaft Gear
162993Bea bushing Ro
162994Gear cover Gear
162996Dust cover Du
162998Flat gasket gearbox
162999Flat gasket bearing
163000Flat gasket gear
163002Pinion Z=16 M3
163141Air pipecpl 
163142Air pipe 
163148Front axlechassis 267
163149Tow shaft chassis
163152Hose greasebelow Hose
163153Bearing bus chassis
163155Axle boltchassis 267
163159Chassis cpl 267
163178Threaded insert M8
163320Guide pinion 
163321Rotor26.5L alu Rotor
163322Rotor26.5L bolt Rotor
163323Rotor15.5L bolt Rotor
163349Cover sheet 1Con
163353Angle 1 Con
163422Control desk cplAdvanced
163448Wearing plate down
163697Fence attachmHopper 267
163702Clamping plHopper Duo
163703CollarHopper 267 
163704Screw nut 
163705Disk D37x8 Ro
163706Clamp piece Hopper
163708Control deskCon desk
163709Hopper cpl Basic
163710Air chamber cplBasic
163711SealingAir cham 
163712Conduct leftAir cham
164061Tens.spindle long out
164062Tens spindleshort outAdv/Plus
164071Be block Tension
164073Rotor cover cplBasic
164077Air connect cpl
164079Bushing wear Exhaust
164080Sealing Exhaust Ro
164081O-ring 176x18x6x3 
164082Exhaustvertical Casing26 
164084Removable diskExhaust 267
164085CoatingExhaust 267 
164086Guiding plate cpl
164087Exhaustcpl horiz Ro
164088ExhaustExhaust 267 
164090CoatingExhaust 267 
164091Sheet Exhaust 
164200Ro baseplate cpl
164201Flat gasketRotor pl
164202Flat gasket electric
164203Cable connection M20x1.5
164204EO-screw connection WE
164205Casing cpl front
164206Doorright Casing26 
164207Door leftCasing 
164410Dust cover hyd
164411Hydr. pipe 
164412Gear box cpl
164413Rotor 26.5L cpl
164414Rotor 15.5L cpl
164415Hoppercpl Hopper267 
164416SheetsupportGear box 267
164417Control deskCon desk
164488El DriveAdv Plus
164509Flat Rotor 267
164510Shaft sealing ring
164532Tens spindle long
164533Tens spindle short
164534O-Ring 130x5 NBR
164536Hexagonal screw 
164614Manometer hol DUO
164709Socket pin Ro
164961Basic element cpl
165003Casingfront Casing26 
165149Bellow cylinder monocrinkly
165219Hose set Un-up
165655Air hose BellowRo
165656Manometer hos inlet
165657Manometer hos overgr
165658Hosecpl in air
165681Casing cpl rearBasic
165709Hosecpl bo air
165710Hosecpl 1 Hose
165711Hose cpl 
165712Hexagonal screw 
165841Hose greaserotor Hose
165847Hose greasepump rear
165848Hose greasepump ahead
165972External thread nozzle
166088Cleaning hose cpl
166090Cleaning hose 
166839Wire ropecpl DU
167137Support Lubr hoses
167261EO-screw connexion VSTI
167262EO-screw connexion VSTI
167294Air cha guide
167296Lubrication cplBasic el
167297Air pipe cpl
167523Locking washer rip-lock
167730Skidcpl Adv/Plus 267
168350Sheet support Base
168517HolderHopper DUO 
168577Bushing 1 1/2x230
168588Emergecy Stop cpl
168609Power supply 5A
168610Relay 24V, DC
168611Safety relays XPS
168613Security switch XCS
168614Cable 5m XZ
168615Socket to remote
168618Plug to remote
168624Selector switch 
168630GF2A bow 1
169438EO-screw connection 
170477CEE mount. plug
170478CEE plug 
172297Air connectio top
172310Swivel joint foot
172320Rotary protec front
172323Be block long
172325Ro co plateRo
172525Solid rubber wheel
174005Motor vibrator HV
174584Hinge shaf longTension
174586Hinge shaft short
174587Prote tube short
174599Tens spindleM24 OutletDUO
175022Tool holder cpl
175258Yoke Tightener Ro
175338Covering cpl right
175359Coveringcpl left Basic
175360Yoke cpl Basic
175634Handholdfastener Casing26 
175635Supportfastener Casing26 
176864Safety nut 
176866CEE plug cplcon
176867Plate plug Con
178805Bleeding2 cpl Hopper267
178841Pipecpl Bleeding 267
178842Plate cpl Bleeding
179206Hopper pocket cpl
179207Wearing plate above
179536Main switch cpl.
179601Hopper V2Hopper 267
179695ClampingVentilat Hopper267 
180143Buffer plastic Basic
180234Spring pin heavy
180835Magnet valve 
182069XCS ZCP n.
192229Push button white
192230Push button red
192231Belt to remote
192233Cable 12x1.00mm2 PUR
192390Housing XACB08/XA-B971 
192393Analog Output 4..20m
301287Sign Mainswitch Ri/Le
305314Sign Remo/Local Re
305316Sign Air/RotorDUO 
305317Sign Vibrator DUO
305341Hex screw 
311853Cable reel HT300Ca
311916Tool kit 267
311931HosePre sensor Adv/BF267
311940Contr cabinet cpl
312000Sign ladder I/II
400232Push button black
400243Display 0..19m3-4..20mA 
402350PLC FX1N-24-MT-DSS programmed
66208Gear shaft 3
66391Concen nozzle 
66476Holenut M16 DUO
66554Cyl. head screw
66556Connecting nipple 
66658Hexagonal screw 
66661Locking washer rip-lock
66662Locking washer rip-lock
66746Grooved ball bearing
66774Spur wheel Z85
66775Spur wheel Z56
66776Spur wheel Z96
66791Grooved ball bearing
66802Ball joint bearing
66838Grooved ball bearing
66840Oil sight glass
66854Grooved ball bearing
66893Coupling cpl. 
66911Manometer 1-9 Bar
66998Elevator screw 
67059Gate valve 
67062Wheel axle 
67113Cone coupling 
67131Locking washer rip-lock
67163Cone coupling 
67293Locking washer rip-lock
67337Spur wheel Z16
67406Connection nipple R11/2XRD55
68992EO-screw connexion EVGE
70490Spur wheel Z29
74500Double nipple 
82318Bolt chassis DUO
95564Water hose 
145685Hexagonal screw 
145735Hexogonal screw 
162909Grease gun Bas
163178Threaded insert M8
163320Guide pinion 
163321Rotor 26.5 alu
163323Rotor15.5L bolt Rotor267
163324Rotor 15.5 alu
165188Hose set Grease
168618Plug to remote
174586Hinge shaft shortTension
311855Coupling remote control
311856CoveringCa reel267 
311858Cable 16x1.00mm2 PUR



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